
We have an expectation of safety and selection in our lives. The belief that we determine our own destiny-- free from unjust interference-- is so important that it is essential. It is the essence of an ideal so dear that many have laid down their lives in its pursuit: freedom.

If you are a proponent of that cause, then the villains are those that would intrude. They would impede upon your property, your body, and your thoughts. They-- uninvited-- make your business their business... all in service of advancing their own ideals over yours.

Which means we-- the heroes-- must fight. We must persist, we must invent, we must even scream if we have to in order to preserve our claim on that which should most naturally be our own. And even though the villains may be powerful, their unnatural desire to clutch that which was never theirs will always set them up for a clumsy fall.

So bad guys, save yourself some scrapes, and don’t force us to reclaim what was ours in the first place.

--The Standing and Watchful